Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Plans for podcasting

This is an idea that I hope pans out. If it does, I'll do another post later to let all of my readers (that's only reader) know how it goes.

I signed up for a free account with, so that I can make my own podcasts online. Teachertube's audio section allows me to post audio on the internet and embed it here on my blog.

What I would like to do is to record my kids singing, and post it on the internet. I don't have any fancy recording device, though, so I'm going to do the following:

1. Record the kids using my old cassette tape recorder.
2. Using a male-ended cord I got from radio shack, I will plug the tape recorder into the microphone input on my computer.
3. Using audacity (a free program you can download on the it) I will record the song onto my computer and edit it
4. finally, using teachertube, I will upload the song and e-mail it to my principal and parents to hear.

It sounds like a good idea, but only time will tell...I'll let you know if it works.

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